Maestrías en Comunicación en Inglés
Master in Public Relations & Corporate Communications at Georgetown University (EE.UU.)
Master of Arts in Media and Strategic Communication at George Washington University (EE.UU.)
Executive Master in Global Strategic Communications at Georgetown University (EE.UU.)
Master of Arts in Communication Management at George Washington University (EE.UU.)
Executive Master of Science in Strategic Communications at Columbia University (EE.UU.)
Online Master’s Degrees in Communications (E.E.U.U.)
MSc Global Media and Communications (LSE and Fudan)
MSc Global Media and Communications (LSE and USC)
MSc Global Media and Communications (LSE and UCT)
MSc Strategic Communications at LSE
MSc Politics and Communication at LSE
MSc Media and Communications at LSE
Public Relation Master’s Program at Miami University (USA)
Master of Science in Communication at Northwestern University (USA)
Master of Science in Health Communications at Northwestern University (EE.UU.)
Master´s Degree in Comparative Media Studies at MIT (EE.UU.)
Maestrías en Comunicación Política en Español
Escuelas de Comunicación
Boston University – College of Communications (USA)
Escuela Internacional de Comunicación (España)
School of Media and Public Affairs at George Washington University (USA)
Northwestern School of Communication (USA)
Escuela de Periodismo y Comunicación de Unidad Editorial El Mundo (España)
School of Journalism and Communication at Peking University
Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset (España)
Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Navarra (España)
School for Communication and Journalism USC Annenberg, University of Southern California (EE.UU.)
Annenberg School for Communication at University of Pennsylvania (EE.UU.)
Doctorados en Comunicación
Ph.D. in Communications (Columbia University)
Ph.D. in Communication Studies (Northwestern School of Communication)
Communication, Ph.D. (University of Miami)
Doctorado Interuniversitario en Comunicación (Andalucía)
Doctorado en Comunicación y Periodismo UAB (Barcelona)
PhD in Media and Communications at UNC School of Media and Journalism
PhD Media and Communications at London School of Economics and Political Science
Communication and Media Studies Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at University of Calgary (Canada)
PhD in Communication and Culture at York (Canada)
Programa de Doctorado de Humanidades y Comunicación (UOC – España)
Doctor of Philosophy in Communication (American University, EE.UU.)
Communications, PhD (Cornell University)
Ph.D. in Communications (Colorado State University)
Ph.D. in Communication (Florida State University)
Communications, Ph.D. (The University of Arizona)
Cursos sobre Comunicación en Español
Curso sobre Fake News (IUOG, España)
Curso de Gestión de Crisis Política y Comunicación (IUOG, España)
Curso especializado en Gestión de la Comunicación Corporativa (UPC, Perú)
Curso de Riesgo Competitivo y Reputacional (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
Curso de Comunicación Corporativa (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
Cursos sobre Liderazgo
Art and Practice of Leadership Development – Harvard Kennedy School
Strategies for Building and Leading Diverse Organizations – Harvard Kennedy School
Leadership, Organizing and Action: Leading Change – Harvard Kennedy School
Leadership Decision Making: Optimizing Organizational Performance – Harvard Kennedy School
Leadership in Crises: Preparation and Performance – Harvard Kennedy School
Mobilizing Your Nonprofit Board – Harvard Kennedy School
Executive Certificate in Leadership Coaching | Georgetown University (USA)
High-Impact Leadership (Loyola University Chicago)
Cursos sobre Asuntos Corporativos
Dr. Jennifer S. Lerner: Professor of Public Policy and Management at Harvard Kennedy School
Kathryn Sikkink: Professor of Global Governance at Harvard Kennedy School
Juliette Kayyem: Professor of Mitigating and Managing Crisis at Harvard Kennedy School
Pinar Dogan: Professor of Game Theory and Strategic Decisions at Harvard Kennedy School
Todd Belt: Professor and Political Management Program Director at The George Washington University
Candelaria Garay: Professor of Latin American Politics and Policymaking at Harvard Kennedy School
Mimi Goss: Profesora de comunicaciones en Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government.
Matt Baum: Professor of Global Communications at Harvard Kennedy School
Cheryl W. Thompson: Associate Professor of Journalism at The George Washington University
Timothy Coombs (Texas A&M University): Crisis Communication Researcher
Teóricos de la Comunicación
Paul Watzlawick
Lista de Teorías de la Comunicación (List of Communication Theories)
Protecting Organization Reputations During a Crisis: The Development and Application of Situational Crisis Communication Theory (Paper)
Listados y Rankings Académicos
Publicaciones Académicas
Communication Methods and Measures
Lemma: Revista de Comunicación
The International Journal of Press/Politics
Communication Theory (Journal of the International Communication Association)
International Journal of Business Communication
Journal of Business and Technical Communication
Management Communication Quarterly
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly